Our Company
Our Company

We Specialize in Quality Glass Products and Services

WE ARE MOVING! This Time It’s Permanent

Alamo Glass

Our new address will be:

10510 Olympic Dr
Dallas, Texas 75220

The last several months have been quite a transition period for Alamo Glass.  In September we said goodbye to our home of nearly 70 years when we moved out of the original location on Henderson Ave.  We moved the whole company to our glass fabrication plant, it was not the ideal situation, but we did what we had to do.   We knew that the move was going to be temporary, but did not want to say anything until all of the details where finalized.  We have been searching for a building to suit our needs for over a year, and on December 31st of 2012 we finally closed on our new building!

Alamo Glass

The new building gives us more space for our glass fabrication plant and a large beautiful new glass and mirror design center.  We are very excited about all of the planning and work that we have put into this new facility and feel that it is going to allow us to better serve our customers.  It has been a long process, we searched all over trying to find the perfect building and believe it or not, the building that we settled on is just one block north of where we are currently located.

Alamo Glass

Last week we began moving all of our glass machinery and equipment to the new location.  It was very difficult moving all of our glass edging machines, automatic cutting table, beveling machines and CNC work center (10 machines in all),  but we managed to get it done.

This week we are in the process of moving all of our glass and mirrors to the new facility, reconnecting and re-calibrating all of the machinery and putting the final touches on our new glass design center.  We hope for the entire company to be operating out of the new building at 10510 Olympic Dr starting Monday morning February 4th.

Alamo Glass

We would like to thank all of our customers for your understanding and continued business.  We are confident that this new facility is going to allow us to better serve your glass and mirror needs in the future.  We will let everyone know just as soon as we are fully operational at the new facility and encourage you to stop by and check out the new place.

Click Here To View Map To Our New Location

One thought on “WE ARE MOVING! This Time It’s Permanent

  1. Can’t wait to see the new building! It is going to be great!

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